Monday 4 March 2019

7 Best G Suite Email Security Practices to Secure Google Data in 2019

g suite security best practices

This blog’s aim is to create awareness regarding the protection of Google Apps account from internal and external threats. Because the way we protect ourselves in the physical world, in the same way, our data needs to be secured in the online world from unseen attacks.

No doubt, Google provides inbuilt security features in Google Apps. But, the web is a place of potential hackers who aim to harm the users by breaching their sensitive information. Hence, it is the responsibility of an individual and administrator to guard the privacy and stop data misuse. So here are G Suite security best practices through which organisations can secure Google Apps emails and data from potential threats.

Secure Google Apps Data : First Get Familiar with the Type of Threats

Before knowing the G Suite security best practices, be aware with the type of enemies in the digital world such as malware, ransomware, viruses and so on. A deep understanding of the threats activities helps us to take preventive measures according to it. All the potential internal and external threats that can cause damage in Google Apps or G Suite account are discussed here.

  • Data Ex-filtration
Data ex-filtration is an act where the migration of data takes place from G Suite domain without permission. In short, the illegal way to copy data items and move them to other platforms with intention to damage the Organisation's reputation. Data ex-filtration can be performed either manually by someone or inject malicious program that is capable to breach the account.

  • G Suite Data Deletion
Data deletion is a process where removal of data takes place accidentally or intentionally that become cumbersome to recover. Now, this can be done either manually by a person or with the help of malicious virus. For example, the ransom ware attack encrypts the entire data and asked money to release it. In a case when user becomes unable to give the money, the data will be deleted forever.

  • Malicious Insider
A malicious insider is a term used for a person within a company who intentionally leaks the crucial information from the G Suite domain. This person can be an employee or other former workers.

  • Account Breach
Account breach is an action where someone steals the credential of your account and gets access to it. Now, this person has the authority to do something illegal with the help of your account data. The easiest way to achieve the credential is spear phishing, where hackers send an email that looks so legitimate as if it was coming from a trusted resource.

  • Crack the Password
It is a process to violet the secure Google Apps data where hackers can recover the password via. some potential softwares. Once they have received the password, they can do anything with your account.

7 G Suite Security Best Practices to Safeguard G Suite Data From Threats

In order to export G Suite account data to a local server using this tool, one needs to follow the steps listed below:

  • #1 Use Two-Step Authentication Verification
Google has added a security feature in Google account known as 2 step authentication verification. If this option is enabled, then whenever there will be a login attempt from another browser or PC a code will generate. This security code sent to your mobile device and it should be required to enter the code to open G Suite account. In case, even if hacker steals the credentials, they won’t be able to access the account until they have the security code.

  • #2 Use Strong & Complex Passwords
Always make a password that has a combination of numeric value, special character, upper-case, lower-case and it should be long. So, no one can easily determine it easily. By doing this, the password cracking threat can be overcome.

  • #3. Change Passwords Regularly
It is suggested to never maintain the same G Suite account password for a long period of time. So, it is beneficial to change the password frequently within a certain period of time to secure Google Apps emails and data.

  • #4 Always Keep Backup of Your Data
If you want to run a business without interruption, then it is mandatory to keep backup of your data regularly. A Backup copy has always prevented G Suite information from data loss events. To create G Suite backup, you can use SysTools Google Apps Mailbox Backup Software. A tool with top-of-line features uses to download a copy of data from multiple Google Apps account in a single shot on local machine in order to maintain Google Apps security best practices. So, in data loss disastrous situation, you always have a copy of G Suite emails, contacts, calendar entries and documents on the system.

  • #5 Educate Employees
It does not matter how strong your security system is, if your employees do not analyse the threat. For this, the session can be organised timely in the company where you can discuss cyber threats and what security measures should be taken.

  • #6 Do Not Open Suspicious Emails
There are various emails sent by the hackers that look so legitimate that innocent people can become fool. So, first, review the email with proper concentration and then open it. And never click on any hyper-link that asks for your company data without confirming with higher management in the first place. Consequences can be, clicking on any link results in the introduction of malware in the system that can transfer the data out of your domain.

  • #7 Access Trusted Application Only
For security purposes, Google introduced a feature – OAuth apps whitelisting. This feature remarkably safeguards the user from unauthorised user access. On fundamental level, it is implemented to prevent the company’s Google Apps secure email data from malicious applications that accidentally get access to corporate data.

With this feature, the G Suite admin has the power to add trusted third-party applications in white-list. By doing this, only added applications can get official access to Google Apps information.

Before Its Too Late, Secure Google Apps Data Right Away

To keep the security of G Suite data intact across the internet, we have discussed 7 G Suite security best practices to protect the Google Apps account from external threats. Because it not only Google who guards your data every time, but also your duty to be safe online and maintain the business work-flow.
7 Best G Suite Email Security Practices to Secure Google Data in 2019 Harshita Joshi 4.5 of 5
This blog’s aim is to create awareness regarding the protection of Google Apps account from internal and external threats. Because the w...


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